The Shot I Never Forgot
‘The Shot I Never Forgot’ is an Arts Council funded project in which participating artists were invited to share a photograph that has remained in their mind since they shot it along with the story behind its creation. Most of the artists instinctively knew which image they should share, sometimes because it was poignant, sometimes because of its personal significance or simply because it is a great photograph.
As photographers, we shoot many more images than ever see the light of day, often including fabulous stand alone pictures – shot on instinct – whilst making work for another project. Because these single images do not fit the brief, they sit gathering dust in an ever-growing archive. The Shot I Never Forgot is a chance for some of these images to be presented in their own right, for others to enjoy; a platform to enable some of these memorable photographs to be seen for the first time.
This project began in February 2013 and culminated in an exhibition and publication, held during the Brighton photo Fringe 2014. Since then, it has been lying dormant, ocassionally being dusted off to receive some new submissions!
John House, February 2018
Murray Ballard
‘Surfers, Porthmeor Beach, St Ives, Cornwall’ 2007 "In October 2007 I was in St Ives for a week’s holiday with my (then) girlfriend. I’d graduated from the Photography course at the University of Brighton that summer and I had hardly picked up a camera since. After three intense years immersed in the subject I needed a break, but by October I was keen to get out and take some pictures again. Much to my girlfriend’s disappointment my large-format 5×4 camera went on holiday with us. One afternoon I ventured out alone with my gear. The light was beautiful, bright and perfectly overcast, a large-format photographer’s dream. It might sound strange to some people, but I remember finding it really difficult to know what to photograph. At University I’d become used to working on projects based on specific ideas and I felt lost just wandering around without any particular purpose. It took me a while, but slowly, over the course of the afternoon, I rediscovered the joy of taking photographs, just for the fun of it. I have a new girlfriend now."